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Hesder Yeshiva
Shirat Moshe

By "Illuminating Yaffo"







תמונה של שיעור בבית המדרש מפי ראש הישיבה הרב אליהו מאלי שליטא

About the Yeshiva

One hundred years after Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak HaCohen Kook ztl arrived in Yaffo, realizing that alongside practicality there is a need for spirituality, the Hesder Yeshiva "Shirat Moshe" was established in Yaffo, by Rabbi Eliyahu Mali, who brought the gospel of practical Zionism to Yaffo. Not just a Torah study that remains within the walls of the Beit Midrash, but one that contributes to the strengthening of the Jewish community in the city, with kindness, giving and action.

Today, the city of Yaffo incorporates within it a very diverse fabric of life that reflects the face of Israeli society as a whole. Jews, Arabs and Christians, religious and secular, rich and poor, a large population of immigrants (mainly members of the Ethiopian community) and veterans live together in the city. The special texture of the city, which is located in the center of the country and is part of Tel Aviv, Israel's commercial city, creates special challenges and is a strategic focus of influence on the Gush Dan in particular and the State of Israel in general.

Our generation needs a proper answer, honest and full of courage and uprightness of stature, since a people and a country without a spirit and identity as a body without a soul. The association 'Illuminating Yaffo' aims to uplift and empower the city of Yaffo and instill a new and fresh statement, drawn from the Jewish spring of life.

The circles of action include strengthening Jewish identity and the voice of the Torah, empowering communities, charity and welfare projects, promoting at-risk youth and working with disadvantaged populations.

At the heart of the activity is the Hesder yeshiva "Shirat Moshe" - what started 14 years ago with the dream of one man, an old synagogue in the southwest of Yaffo and a few individual students, has grown to become a yeshiva of 140 students, from post teens to military graduates, where they all gather together Around the love of learning the Torah and shared spiritual aspirations. The yeshiva is actually a spiritual center of the association "Illuminating Yaffo". In the yeshiva, there are a variety of classes and a wide learning space in the spirit of Rabbi Kook's way, from studying the Talmud and the rulings with proficiency and study, through studying the innermost aspects of the Torah, Rabbi Kook's writings, Hasiddut, and up to the lessons of introduction to the cultures and wisdom of the world. The great light that the students absorb in the Beit Midrash, they apply Every day in social-volunteer work in the city. This activity forms a strong foundation of faith, for the army and for life, for the yeshiva's students and graduates.

Stay Connected

At the yeshiva, a variety of subjects and fields are studied every day, and as part of our practical mission and influence on Jaffa and the surrounding area, we have chosen to open additional channels through which we can spread the great light emanating from our seminary. Everyone is welcome to enter our Beit Midrash - physical or virtual and taste and maybe get addicted

קישור לערוץ הספוטיפיי של מאירים ביפו

Our Spotify channel

Unique podcasts are uploaded to the Spotify channel in the spirit of the Jaffa yeshiva, on diverse topics and with special guests

קישור לערוץ היוטיוב של הישיבה

Our YouTube channel

Many lessons are uploaded to the Yeshiva's YouTube channel on a regular basis

קישור לעמוד הפייסבוק של מאירים ביפו

Our Facebook page

On our Facebook page you can keep up to date with what is happening at the yeshiva - events, trips, classes and more


The activity of the association requires many resources that require high expenses which we can deal with only with your help!


Donations in the US accepted

Central Fund of Israel
C/O Jmark Interiors Inc.
461 Central Avenue
Cedarhurst, NY 11516
(In the memo part please note the
non-for profit # 580485878)

Signature Bank
923 Broadway, Woodmere, NY 11598
For the account of:
The Central Fund of Israel
ABA Bank Routing # 026013576
CFI Account # 1503426427
Swift Code: SIGNUS33

Contact Us

Fund Raising

  • שליחת הודעת ווצאפ לאחראי השבושים
  • שליחת הודעת ווצאפ לאחראי השבושים

Eliyon Shemesh:




Phone: 077-4008796

Fax: 077-4008795



Toulouse 16, Tel Aviv-Yafo

Postal code 6805516

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